Blanket Chests
Blanket Chests (Hope Chests) have been around storing linens for hundreds of years. Now, Stuart David is proud to be able to offer you our own handmade styles of this time honored bedroom staple. Custom options include your choice of size, style, solid wood, finish, cedar lined, lift top or drawers, and hardware. All Stuart David furniture is American made, delivering the quality you expect out of fine furniture.

Uses and Benefits of a Blanket Chest
A blanket chest or cedar chest is a fantastic addition to anyone’s bedroom. They are a common piece of bedroom furniture that adds exponential utility to any bedroom. Typically, they consist of a decorative box with a lifting top which allows for easy access to the content within. While most people place them at the foot of a bed, these case pieces can really be placed anywhere in a room really; under a window, in a corner, there is no right or wrong place to locate a high quality, solid wood blanket chest. Ours are lined on the inside with cedar wood. Cedar wood has two primary benefits. Cedar lumber acts as a natural, pesticide free deterrent to moths and other pests that might otherwise chew holes in clothing and blankets. In addition, cedar offers a wonderful aroma that fills the air each time the unit is opened.
How a Cedar Chest Works
Stuart David blanket chests are quite popular. We craft ours out of solid wood from the highest quality materials which are domestically sourced from sustainable forests. They are sometimes called natural wood storage chests. One can truly store anything in them. Stuart David manufactures and sells them in many styles and configurations to match our large selection of bedroom furniture. With features like solid wood material, tried and tested craftsman / bench made construction, our blanket chests are guaranteed to last many lifetimes if they are not abused. They operate utilizing a piano hinge on one side of the top and feature special hinge springs which inhibit the top from slamming down and crushing fingers. It is quite satisfying to experience the heft of a solid lumber top, suspended in midair via these springs.
Stuart David is the absolute best choice when searching for a solid wood storage chest. We make and sell our chest primarily in the Modesto, Sacramento, Fresno, Livermore, Oakdale areas. Our Oak, maple, cherry, hickory, rustic alder, and walnut hardwoods offer an almost limitless selection of color finishes. In addition, we actually make what we sell. Need a custom size? No problem!